Example 1

Example 2

Example 4

Example 1
City Psalms
Community Art Collection
Dear Artist,
You are invited to enter your original artwork and/or photograph(s) for consideration to be a part of City Psalms‘ Community Art Collection. City Psalms is looking for artists who call Tucson home and whose creative works display a love for our city. The vision for this project is to show God’s love for Tucson and to highlight local talent.
The Community Art Collection will include a social media presence and culminate in the publication of a coffee table-style book featuring curated works and artist bios. Selected art pieces will be paired with and printed in spreads alongside song lyrics by City Psalms and Scripture. See some examples at the top of this page.
All entries must be submitted as digital images for consideration. If your work is chosen, you will be fully credited and receive a copy of the book from the City Psalms organization. All artists will retain rights to their own work.
There are no age or residential requirements, as long as your work reflects an aspect of what makes Tucson feel like home to you.
The buttons below link to PDF documents with more detailed information about this project, including what we're looking for, image requirements, and who can participate. The Artist Release Form must be signed and attached with your submission.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to send an email to communityartcollection@gmail.com.
The due date for all submissions is November 16, 2020.
City Psalms
City Psalms is a Jesus-centered, faith-based non-profit organization committed to enriching our city through music, the arts, and cultural engagement.