In previous albums, we wanted to capture the needs and dreams of Tucson in the lyrics and sounds we created. We desired to foster a response of service to and prayer for our community among fellow Christians. With this album, our team of writers sensed an opportunity to shift our focus from unified petition to unified praise. We believe God’s invitation is for praise to take the lead. As modeled throughout Scripture, God inhabits the praises of His people. We join in the song of people of faith over every generation, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His steadfast love endures forever.” God is good to the people of Tucson and His faithful love will lead us forward.
Songwriters and Musicians

He Is Good (Psalm 136)
(PSALM 136)
You alone do the greatest things
You spoke and then there was light
You, oh God, made the heavens above
Sun for day, moon and stars for night
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
His steadfast love is forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
O give thanks, He is good, He is good
You alone God have made a way
Guided by Your mighty hand
You’ve parted the waters to lead us through
And carried us in desert land
You alone God have cared for us
Providing for all of our needs
When we’ve felt lost and broken down
You’ve lifted us up by Your peace
Oh Your steadfast love endures
Oh Your steadfast love endures
Oh Your steadfast love endures over us
You alone are the mighty King
Your pow’r has overcome
Through the cross You have conquered death
Raised to life, now the vict’ry is won
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
His steadfast love is forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
O give thanks, He is good, He is good
O give thanks, He is good, He is good
O give thanks, He is good, He is good
© 2025 City Psalms R. McLouth / K. Canterbury /
A. Chamberlain / B. Goodall
Come and Adore Our God (Psalm 8)
Oh Lord, how majestic Your name
All of the earth gives You praise
Your glory is lifted on high
With all of creation in praise
We look on the heavens above
The moon and the stars that You placed
Amazed by Your care and Your love
All of the earth gives You praise
My heart shall give you praise
Come and adore our God
Awesome in all of His ways
Come and adore our God
The name above all other names
You placed the earth under our feet
To care for the world that You made
The land, sky, mountains, and sea
All of the earth gives You praise
So my heart shall give you praise
Our pride, O God, the curse of our sin
With groaning the world seeks the day
Through Jesus when all life is restored
And all of the earth gives You praise
Yes, my heart shall give You praise!
Come and adore our God
Awesome in all of His ways
Come and adore our God
The name above all other names
Worthy of all of our praise
Awesome in all of His ways
The name above all other names
© 2025 City Psalms R. McLouth / K. Canterbury /
A. Chamberlain / B. Goodall
O Wondrous Love of Jesus
(EPHESIANS 2:1-22)
Oh wondrous love of Jesus
That flows from the heart of God
Even when we turned away from Him
He drew near by His precious blood
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Jesus’ love, the heart of God
Even when we turned away from Him
He drew near by His precious blood
Compassionate grace of Jesus
Immeasurable and free
His kindness to us, oh great sacrifice
Nailed our sin upon the tree
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Jesus’ grace has set us free
His kindness to us, oh great sacrifice
Nailed our sin upon the tree
O mercy undeserved
Poured out by a heavy cost
He died in our place, put to death our shame
Raised to life with Him by the cross
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Jesus' mercy paid the cost
He died in our place, put to death our shame
Raised to life with Him by the cross
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Jesus' mercy paid the cost
He died in our place, put to death our shame
Raised to life with Him by the cross
© 2025 City Psalms K. Canterbury / A.
Chamberlain / B. Goodall / R. McLouth
Holy, God Almighty
Holy, God Almighty
God of power, strength and light
Never changing, all creating
By your will and word divine
Everlasting, ever-faithful
God of earth and sky and sea
Holy Father, Holy Son
Holy Spirit, three in one
Holy, God of glory
Angels worship at your feet
Great in splendor, King forever
Clothed in radiant majesty
Pure and holy, fire before Thee
Who can stand before your throne?
Great in splendor, beyond measure
Worthy of all worship be
Holy, God of mercy
Sinners call upon your name
Ever-loving, unrelenting
Casting off our guilt and shame
All providing, ever-giving
reaching out to all who seek
Blessing, honor, strength, and power
unto you eternally
© 2025 City Psalms K. Canterbury / A.
Chamberlain / B. Goodall / R. McLouth
(REVELATION 4:1–11; EPHESIANS 3:16–19)
Holy, Holy, You are Holy
None can match Your love, Your glory
Holy, Holy, You are Holy
None can match Your grace
Or contain the measure of
The height, the depth of Your great love
The distance You have come for us
Holy, Holy, You are Holy
There is none above
© 2023 City Psalms M. Almeroth / BMI / C.
Hood / BMI / B. Goodall / ASCAP
The Church Will Overcome
(ACTS 7:28; REVELATION 2:7; 12:10-12)
There is a temple built to stand
A kingdom not by human hands
A people joined in faith alone
With Jesus Christ, our Cornerstone
We are now one, redeemed by Love
Called out from every tribe and tongue
Though Satan rages to divide
In Jesus we are unified
There is a power that would stand against
And seek to separate us
In Jesus we are held as one
The Church of Christ will overcome
When we’ve forsaken grace within
The pain of pride, the stain of sin
Your mercy, God, our help comes from
The Church of Christ will overcome
The Church of Christ will overcome
There is no power that can stand against
The grace of God within us
By Jesus’ blood the work is done
The Church of Christ will overcome
Our God, You reign forever
Our God, our strength our song
Our God, our hope and glory
Your church will overcome
There is no power that can stand against
Our God, He reigns forever
By Jesus’ blood, His love has won
The Church of Christ will overcome
The Church of Christ will overcome
© 2025 City Psalms K. Canterbury / A.
Chamberlain / B. Goodall / R. McLouth
All Who Love and Serve Our City
(JOHN 9:4; LUKE 13:34; EZEKIEL 48:35)
All who love and serve our city
All who bear its daily stress
All who cry for peace and justice
All who curse and all who bless
In our day of loss and sorrow
In our day of helpless strife
Honor, peace, and love retreating
Seek the Lord, who is our life
For all days are days of judgment
And the Lord is waiting still
Drawing near to those who spurn him
Offering peace from Calvary's hill
Risen Lord, oh shall Your city
Be a city of despair?
Come today, our Hope, our Glory,
May our name be, “The Lord is there!”
In our day of wealth and plenty
Wasted work and wasted play
Call to mind the word of Jesus
“Work ye yet while it is day”
© 2025 City Psalms E. Routley / B. Goodall / K. Canterbury / A. Chamberlain / R. McLouth
Stronger Together
(EPHESIANS 4:1–16)
Oh God of love and mercy
Oh King of truth and grace
May Your blessing flow out from us
May Your glory fill this place
Side by side we stand together
Bound by Your redeeming blood
So that all may know Your goodness
Through our unity and love
In Christ, there’s no division
Though many, we are one
By Your Spirit’s work within us
New creations we become
Give us eyes to see each other
No part better than the rest
We are all together covered
By Your blood and righteousness
Oh God, fill our church with Your love
Fill our hearts with your grace
Reflecting the joy from Your holy face
Give us the love of our Father’s heart
We’re stronger together than we are apart
We gather as Your children
To lift our highest praise
As our voices blend together
Lord, be honored by your saints
Give us ears to hear each other
Singing out in one accord
May our harmony be pleasing
To the One that we adore
To the One that we adore
Fill Your Church, fill our homes
Fill our hearts with Your grace
May Your Church, may our homes
May our hearts flood with grace
Oh God, fill Your Church, fill our homes
Fill our hearts with Your grace
Fill us with love from Your holy heart
Teach us to love til it breaks our heart
Break up the ground of our fallow heart
We’re stronger together than we are apart
© 2025 City Psalms A. Chamberlain / K.
Canterbury / B. Goodall / R. McLouth
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
(HEBREWS 12:1-2; MATTHEW 14:29-32)
O Church, are you weary and troubled
No light in the darkness you see
There's light for a look at the Savior
And life more abundant and free
Lay down your heavy burdens
Cast all your cares on the Lord
His loving grace will find you
His word will heal and restore
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
While the things of earth, they grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
His word will not fail, He has promised
Believing, we find we are well
As we go to a world that is dying
His perfect salvation to tell
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
While the things of earth, they grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
In the light of His glory and grace
© 2025 City Psalms H. H. Lemmel / K.
Canterbury / A. Chamberlain / B. Goodall /
R. McLouth